
On average how many hours a week?

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do you tune in to your radio




  1. 30 minutes. I listen to the news on the way to work and then turn the thing off the second Terry Wogan or Chris Evans start blabbering on!

  2. not much these days, ive got a wind up TV,!

  3. about 54 hours. except most of that time i am asleep so im not consciously hearing it.

  4. umm, all morning and sometimes I fall asleep listening to it.

    I don't know how many hours that is, but it sounds like a lot.

  5. I put my radio on every night when I go to bed for an hour. It's a DAB CD radio alarm which I had for Chrimbo last year and I am totally cheesed off with it cos the CD bit has packed up and wont play any more! :-(

  6. It's always on in my car, and I listen to NPR on Sundays, so I'd say about 20-25 hours/week.

  7. less than an hour

  8. I would say, about 40. I listen in the truck all day long, and I work about 30 hours a week. I also listen in my car, so I guess 40 is a good estimate. Peace!

  9. All day at work but too busy to really listen. Probably approximately 10 minutes a month to rove for traffic reports when stuck in a jam!

  10. 30 hours i'm a stay home mom

  11. All day long at work - so that's 40 hours per week, and then a couple of hours during the weekends. I'd estimate about 44 hours per week.

  12. an hour

  13. Only when im driving so its hard to say how long

  14. On my way to and from work. About 2 hours a day!!!!

  15. I have it on all day. Throughtout my day I am constantly listening to radio, whether it be in my car, on the internet, or at work. I love talk radio and I can't get enough of it. Want to know what I listen to all day then ask me  :)

  16. i listen to the radio in the car all the maybe about a total of an hour a day...depending on how much i am in the car...

  17. probably less than a hour, I usually listen to ma custom made cds

  18. Less than 15 minutes.

  19. i would say about 14 hours a week, but then if i have a lot a driving to do in my truck a lot more

    regards x kitti x

  20. Daily I got to keep up with the latest news plus listen to some jams on top of that.

  21. Counting the car, work and home; around 60-70 hours a week I would say.

  22. work 6 days a week, 9 hour days, 54 hours, got a cafe, so radio is on all day

  23. Two hours a day during the work week - to and from work.

  24. 50 - 60 hours

    at work and home

  25. More than 5...pretty much whenever Im in the car.

  26. Usually about an hour a day. I drive a lot and switch between CDs and radio.

  27. 11 hours a week

  28. wow.......not even one sec...i dont have time!!! :(

  29. Oh man...........alot! Probably around 35-40 a week. I love radio.

  30. an hour a day to listen to late night music program.

  31. 35-40

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