
On average how many text messages do you send a day?

by  |  earlier

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mine vairys A LOT depending on the day sometimes only 2 or 3 and sometimes like 200




  1. 200-400 a day

    6000-8000 a month

    unlimited baby!

  2. 0 I have blocked texting

  3. Hmm about 550 on most days sent/received cause theres this guy and he's my brother from another mother so we always talk.

    And about 2500-3000 a month

    Best answer yeah?

  4. Um...It really depends. Today I only sent like 2 or 3 to my friend Stephanie. Sometimes I send like 40.  

  5. normally i will send about 450-500 every day, i enjoy texting my friends, i never just pick up my phone and call them. i had to give my baby to the Verizon store over night so they could add new software, i miss my pore phone.

  6. 100-150 a day usually.

    about 4,000 per month

  7. At least 100. I'd rather text then talk lol

  8. it depends.

    some days its 30

    some days its 300

    but its usually around 100


  9. on average 5

    some days 0

    some days 20

  10. Zero!

  11. I cant text.

  12. Zero.  If I want to text, my mom says I have to pay for it each month (at&t).

  13. well lately none, but im out of minutes. usually around 30 or 40.

  14. Anywhere from 50-500

    I text alot..

  15. yesterday i sent 247

    and the day before tht i was with all my friends so i only sent 13

    so it depends.......

  16. Same here. It depends on what I'm doing during the day. Today I was hanging out with my friends most of the day so I sent 43. Yesterday I was at work and sent 929. My phone as the text counter thing on it so I looked it up =).

  17. 80-100

  18. average  0

    highest day  0

    lowest day   0

  19. honestly i use about 3000-5000 (all together; not like just sent, its like sent and recieved)

  20. It really depends what happened that day.

    If nothing happened, maybe 0.

    But if its something HUGE, there is alot of texting going on.  

  21. hmmm around 200+

    its a lot easier having the sidekick because its a full keyboard, & the sidekick is mainly used for texting

  22. Average about 100, so close to 3000 a month. Thank God for unlimited plans.

  23. Same with me, yesterday I sent at least 150 and today I only sent about 5.

  24. 500 a day lol

  25. about 500 or more a day. I usually average that. the lowest i ever sent was 150 the highest was 600. My lsat texting bill was like thousands of texts. no worries i have unlimited : )  : )  : )  : )

  26. 200? lol since it's summer i'm just resting but during the school year i sen about 20 maybe less a you guys are pros! lol

  27. i have unlimited

    but between receiving and sending i would say between

    13,000 - 14,000

    no joke

    (im a young teen and we dont make any calls....we just txt)))

    *** I <3 my voyager<3

  28. OMG SAME!!!!  One day, I'll send 200 and get about the same and then the next I'll send like 5 and get the same.  Isnt it weird?

  29. Not a teen, but I'll answer anyway, my texting is usually just one conversation per day, so I guess between 20 and 30 sent out a day.

  30. i used to send like over 200.

    but it depends most days around 100

    and on other days less then 100

    sometimes even like 10 a day

  31. sometimes 0, sometimes 10. but no more that 15... i have only 400 a month and inbox and outbox texts count. :(

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