
On average how much does a pet rabbits dental vet visit cost? like clipping the teeth and stuff.?

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im looking into buying a pet rabbit but i really dont want to buy one that i wont be able to afford because of all the bills and i dont want it to suffer because it's teeth hurt so ya...please respond!!!




  1. I used to have a Jersey Woolie who needed frequent tooth burring. The first time I went, the vet charged me a $40 office visitation fee and then about another $25 for the burring. Please find a vet who uses a drill to file the teeth instead of using clippers. Clipping the teeth can actually splinter the tooth down to the root, or leave the top jagged and dangerous. Filing is safer.

    Not all rabbits need their teeth trimmed, and it's dwarf breeds that get Malocclusion the most often.

    If your rabbit is genetically predisposed to Malocclusion, no amount of toys will help. Any time you notice your bunny not eating or grooming properly, or drooling a lot, the first thing you should check is the teeth.

  2. Don't buy .. adopt

    But if you can't afford vet bills, you may want to foster or not adopt yet. Some rabbits just develop health issues. No amount of hay or chews will prevent maloclussion if they are genetically prone to them. Most breeder/pet store rabbits are since they are so badly inbred.

  3. if you buy enough chew toys and things to keep them in good condition you shouldnt have a problem.. but i dunno it depends on the vet.. we use the rspca place, it's cheaper for us..

  4. There's no need to take a Rabbit to the vet to have it's teeth clipped. If you give him tough wooden toys to chew, the teeth will wear down themselves. Same with the toenails, give him something to scratch and they will wear down naturally too.

    The only expensive thing about owning a Rabbit is when you start off (i.e buying the hutch, food, toys etc.). Other than that, as long as you take care of your bunny, there is no need to go to the vet.

    Good Luck!

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