
On crowded bus or metro?

by  |  earlier

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sometimes on a crowded bus or metro on my way to school, it can be soooo packed that ppl are practically touching each other back to back. sometimes my hands could touched other guys's behind and other guys hands touched my 'front' accidentially. for some strange reason I feel a bit aroused by these accidential bumping, is there something wrong with me?




  1. yes... im sorry to tell you but, you might be bisexual or g*y.

  2. i had the same problem!

    Just do what i do!

    stand next to a nice lady! if she touches anything you wont feel strange at this point cause shes a lady lol. and if you touch her anywhere she maybe a little offended but just say sorry!

    i did this to a lady and she kept touching my front on purpose so i gave her my number and we went to a hotel and exposed everything to each other, same could happen to you m8!

    hope this helps

  3. No you are normal. Guys can get aroused at anytime for any reason.

  4. There's nothing wrong with you.  Enjoy it.

  5. YES THAT IS PRACTICALLY true, crowded buses or metro rail where is this place anyway? In Asia I presume. Because I am from there, the Philippines. In the Philippines the same thing, we are pack like sardines in one buses or metro yup back to back or even front to front, side to side, rear to rear etc. That is normal touching other ppl's back or behind or the reverse someone touching yours.

  6. I've had that happen. If it bothers you, you just have to try to think about other things. If you enjoy it just be careful you dont get too aroused or it might be embarrassing.

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