
On ebay????

by  |  earlier

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Have you ever not gotten the stuff you paid for? And if you dont what can you do about it?




  1. I have had no problems with what i have ordered on ebay though most of it has either beem dvds or cds, if they do not provide you with what there site says you can contact ebay and/or paypal and they will freeze tehir accoutn while amtters are trying to be resolved but you should contact them first, ask the seller questions if you ahve any first. And if you afraid it go missing buy shipping insurance

  2. Sure i bid on a CD (won) and sent of the money order, and to this day (3 years later) still have yet to recieve it. There really wasn't to much at the time i could do about, because the guy who was selling stuff lost his account because he had ripped so many others off. My mistake was buying from someone that was new to Ebay, and at the time had "NO" feed back from anyone. And once people started to leave freed back, well it was way to late.

    Second time around i won a CD from someone else, the CD was missing from the case, made contact with the seller and was told to ship it back for a full refund (yeah that never happen) and by the time i notified Ebay about my lost it was to late.

    Out of the 25/30 things i have gotton so far, i only got ripped off twice (so i guess not to bad). But now i use palpay and have learned, what i need to look for. And who to stay clear from, look at their feed back. And make sure you read about the DO'S & DON'TS of Ebay before you go bidding to keep yourself safe. Happy Bidding...........
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