Iraq war= Barrack ABM is right on his opposition to the war that has killed over one million Iraqi lives, McCain is wrong in wanting to continue the war, it is illegal, criminal and immoral, end it now.
Economy= ABM wants tax breaks for working families, seniors, unemployed and homeowners, McCain wants to give more tax breaks, corporate welfare, offshore tax shelters to giant corporations.
Health Care= ABM believes in a nationalized health CARE system which will insure every body, Mccain wants his corporate run pay go system making the pharmaceutical industries lots of money while Americans pay more for health care then any other country and it ranks 37th in the world.
SOcial Security= keep it or completely privatize it making it corporate controlled for profit.
Abortion= Obama suports a womans right to choose, McCain doesn't.
Environment= Obama believes in protecting the environment, creating green jobs, combating global warming, signing Kyoto, McCain doesn't.
Torture= Obama opposes it and wants to follow the Geneva Conventions, Mccain does as well he is correct on that issue.
g*y rights= Obama supports civil unions and equal rights for homosexuals.
GUns= Obama supports reinstating the assault weapons ban, McCain doesn't.
Free trade= Obama opposes it because it outsources jobs and allows American corporations to open up markets in other countries and pay the locals about 25 cents an hour working in terrible conditions and long hours so Americans can have cheap products.