
On fountain drink caps, why are there always four buttons that say Diet, Dr.Pepper, Tea, and Other?

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Yesterday at KFC I took close attention to those buttons. When I was little I liked to push the buttons down. Now I'm wondering what they were ever for. Does anyone know? Thanks




  1. Because they press the buttons in to indicate which drink is which if there are a few drinks together.

  2. Because the dark sodas look the same... how are you going to know which is in the cup unless it's marked somehow.  If 4 people order and it's 1 diet coke, 1 coke, 1 root beer and 1 iced tea, using those little marks on the drink lid helps to differentiate w/o having to open-n-sniff.

    Hope that helps!

  3. The answer is: it is probably a machine which sells only coke products. For example, you may find the fountain area having Coca Cola, Fanta, Diet Coke and  Sprite or Dr. Pepper. Right next to that fountain area might be another fountain with Pepsi, slice, diet pepsi, Mug Root Beer, etc.

    I think it shows who owns the products dispersed in the particular fountain.

  4. Thats so the people working there & urself know which drink is which so u dont get confused! Kind of obvious!

  5. Cause if you order multiple drinks you need to tell all the brown liquids apart!

    If you put a diet cola and a regular cola in a cardboard carrier need to know which is which, or could end up killing a diabetic!

  6. so you know what is what when you have more than one drink, simple solution.

  7. To be able to identify them.  Example:  If a car comes through the drive thru and the 3 people inside order a Coke, a Diet Coke, and a Dr. Pepper, the workers will push down the corresponding buttons so the people will know which soda is theirs.

  8. Yeah, when you work drive through you sometimes have three different pops in front of you, and you have to know what's what. Sometimes they get used, sometimes not, but that is what they are there for.

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