
On here i got into an im chat-terrible person?

by  |  earlier

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Ok,I got chatting to a person on here,and i feels to me as though she had looked at all my questions and answers,she knew i had Barrett's oesophagus(UK) esophagus(USA).

She talked in riddles and eventually expressed that she knew i had Cancer,(i don't) i saw the site or the ba and have had oncologist confirm the level of change in squamous cells to cuboid is low grade.She persisted in sending me messages saying that i was killing jesus????,i actually broke down crying and had a panic attack (first in 20 years) as she told me i smelt of cancer.Ok so i've calmed down now,but what would motivate such venom,i honestly did nothing sexual,anti social nor degrading to women,yet she acted like i'd been the sole reason for all her problems.Rationally i could theorise she may be psychotic,and as I'm medically trained,she took out her spite for the negative things she may have had.Seriously,i don't think blocking her was a bad idea.What do you all think?(i thankfully had logging of im messages on so i have the transcript)i won't identify her tho.




  1. Let her know your peace of mind.

    Please don't judge anyone by book cover.

    Don't worry and be happy!    

  2. My God! Glad you got rid of her!! sounds like she needs some psychiatric help! Identifying her is probably a good thing though because it would probably shame her in to not doing it again to anyone else

  3. it could have been a guy posing as a girl...anyone at all....seriously.....I have been told to kill myself on here, just ignore it. I also saw a Q about a girl who had just been dumped for having "grotesquely large breats" ...said she was a triple D but only weighed about 109 lbs...she asked if she was "ok" or if her ex bf was right...and everyone wrote back saying "oh ur gross" and stuff like that,  it was really really mean, not one nice comment they made her out to be freak....u need to learn thaty ppl here are mean and for every Q u ask, there will be at least 2 venom filled answers, even if the Q is totally sorry that happend to you, but dont let this saddoe get to you!! I dont come here to make friends or win ppls approval...dont invest too much emotional energy here, its incredibly rare u will meet anyone who will actually go on to be a does happen, but u have to prepare urself for the nastiness most of the time. Sorry. i know u hear about ppl meeting souldmates online etc. but its not very common and ppl feel a freedom here in real life to say anything they want, cause there are no repercussions. They abuse that freedom all the time....ppl say things they would never normally say, they are cowards or spend too much time in front of their with clearly this girl (if indeed that was not a some kind of fake account...y'know ppl called "trolls"?...who are very common and just write inflammitory things under false identities, like posing as a 13 yr old girl who askes very explicit things etc) she must have used a LOT of her time ....researching you...with the motive in mind of upsetting she is defo a troll of some worries...its not ur fault...u did nothing to bring it on urself....ppl sometimes just target strangers online cause they can and they are sick and find it fun.Im sorry it happened to you tho.

  4. sorry about that, yeah she must've been psychotic.....but what exactly is your question

  5. What do I think? She's nuts. I've blocked people for less serious (I think) offences.  

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