
On high school report cards, if it says INCOMPLETE as a grade, what does it mean?

by Guest32864  |  earlier

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Because I was severely injured and missed a lot of school so they put that for a bunch of my courses on my report card. what does this mean?




  1. It means that do to your missing a lot of school you didn't complete the require amount of work for you to gain your class credits. It's not the same thing as failing, although you will still have to make up the classes you've received an incomplete in.

    Hope I was able to help.

  2. It means that you have to repeat the class or at least part of it in order to get credit for it.

  3. It means that you have some additional classwork or tests to make up before they will assign you a grade.  You need to speak with your instructors about what sort of additional work is needed in order to replace those scores with a letter grade.  

    Basically, they are giving you some extra time to complete your assignments because you were  out with an injury.

  4. I thought this was the Special Ed section, not high school?

  5. An INC means the teacher has not assigned a grade due to missing or incomplete work that they are still willing to accept.  This is common in the case of excessive absences for medical reasons.  There is usually a 2 week window to get the INC changed to a grade for eligibility purposes (for extra curricular activities).  During that time the student is considered inelligible until an actual grade is assigned.

    Best of luck to you.

  6. you didn't have enough gradeg work to average up for a final grade. Next time your out for a long time, ask a friend to give you the work

  7. It means you have work that can still be made up or turned in. Most schools have a time limit on how long before it turns into an F or whatever you would get by putting zeros in for the missed assignments. Do your make up work and you will get a grade for those classes.

  8. Your a slacker.

  9. it means that you have to make  up for the homework and tests in order to receive a grade; incomplete is not a grade you just have to talk to your teachers let them when you are ready to make up for those classwork

  10. It means that a 504 coverage which would be appropriate would take care of your problems.

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