
On job aplications in the US?

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On job applications in the US, is it still legal to ask a person's religion.




  1. Nope.  

  2. No, and in 34 years of working I don't remember it ever being legal.

  3. Well, I think it should be allowed, but does not have to be answered.  Furthermore, if a person owns a business they should be allowed to hire whom they wish and can discriminate on whatever grounds.  If you do not like it do not shop there or use their services.  But, if is is a corporation or other business you have to tow the line of the main office.

    I work a Christian organization and I cannot remember if they did or did not ask.  It is a specific denomination and I no longer belong to that one, but I would never be fired.  I believe we even have a few people that are Hindu or Shinto  maybe even a Muslim from time to time.

  4. It isn't in the UK.

  5. No

  6. No.

  7. Nope!  Neither is it legal to ask age (although they do ask for birth date, duh!), race, ethnic background or sexual orientation

  8. They may ask, but you are not required to answer.

    The exception is if you apply to work for a religious organization.

  9. Nope it is not, it is also not legal for them to ask your religion in an interview.

  10. No   and  neither  is  it  legal   to  ask   race.Gender  is  legal    but  one  can't  be  denied  because  of  s*x.These  questions  can  be  there  but  you   don't  have  to  answer  them  and  if  you  can  prove  you  weren't  hired  because  you  answered  not  that  is  discrimination.   THANK    YOU   D'S

  11. no

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