
On lexapro 5mg. daily for sbout month now. Anyonr out there on them.

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I find them good but a few little things going on. like other day i decided i needed needed new phone, went off an bought one. I have 4 now. I find things like like that happening getting interested in things i dident before such as reading and on COMPUTER ECT. Am i coming out of depression or going into something else. IM alot more chilled than i was last while anyway.Are u or anyone u no on em. Have u noticed kinda stuff im talking about. Its all good stuff just a little wierd.Tell me a few of ur own. thanks for reading and answers.




  1. I was and yes I did feel more relaxed and did do things I didn't do before. I would talk to your doctor about the impulse for buying things. That might be a side affect from the medication. But they do work. I was on 20 mg. I don't take them any more. I still do everything I did when I was on them.

  2. I was on lexapro but I found the answer.

    What I find really helpful to have a relaxed stress and anxiety free day is to drink a good quantity of alcohol. Have a few good swigs in the morning, take a hip flask with you when you go out, or go to work, and then get stuck into the booze in the late afternoon. It really gives you a good nights sleep and when you wake up feeling a bit fuzzy the next morning a few good swigs will set you up for another good stress free day. I’m having a ball and doing really well with my studies at Uni and part time work

  3. I have been but you should ask your doctor for something different as these made me hallucinate and I lost loads of sleep. I would recommend speaking to the NHS helpline as they will give you other options.

    Also when I was Lexapro my friends told me I looked ill. I hope I am of some help to you and you do find some tablets that work. I am off of all my tablets now as I am a mum and I am expecting again so if you have any way of having children they help aswell. ( I don't know how but it helps me loads!!)

    Good Luck

  4. im on lexapro, 15mg  ive been on it for 6 months or so. ive been doin good. it made me gain a pound or 2. but it has really helped my depression in many ways and i love it more that any other anti depresant i have ever been on. i would say your coming out of your depression! congrats!  

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