
On-line FREE virtual pets for kids?

by  |  earlier

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With summer fast approaching I am looking for a virtual pet or critter that my daughter can play with and maybe even learn something without realizing it.. It MUST BE FREE and appropriate for kids 11 and under but entertaining enough that I can join too so we can know what she is doing all the time (what all it involves). We already have Moshi Monsters which are cute but they only kill boredome for about 20-30 minutes a day which considering she will be housebound most of the summer (due to a surgery she is having) I am hoping to find something to occupy more time without her feeling like she is missing out on playing outside etc (as much) She is nine...

Due to her disability it can not be voice activated as she is very hard to understand....




  1. theres a website called:

    you get to raise your own foal from birth.

  2. neopets or this otherthing

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