
On my 360 page to sign into flickr they ask my yahoo id. they say they cant find that id?

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On my 360 page to sign into flickr they ask my yahoo id. they say they cant find that id?




  1. You know, if you are trying to put your photostream on your 360 space in the "Share Photos" module, fugetaboutit!

    Seriously, see my answer to a past question here on the subject:;...

    As for your Flickr ID that they need for that module (in the "Change User" spot), they really do need the FLICKR ID which may or may not be the same as your Yahoo ID. Go to and login there. Click on the "You" menu and go to the "My Account" section. It should state your Flickr ID somewhere there. But really, it's a mute point as you will not be able to get a photostream to work properly on your 360 space anyway.

    FYI: Y!360 is transitioning into a different social networking platform in early 2008. Yahoo is trying to centralize its profiling services - Y!Mash, Y!360, and the regular Members profile - into one. See for more details. However, they are no longer fixing bugs related to Y!360, so there's no point in trying to contact them about it.

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