
On my 3rd period since July 16TH....?

by  |  earlier

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I have had my period for about 13 years ,I am 24 and have always had weird periods. But from July till now I have had my period 3 times!!! Should I be worried? The first one was regular the second was mostly dark brown blood ,and this one is lighter then gets heaver at different times of the day.....




  1. It's just making up for lost time. But i would go see a doctor:)

  2. it could be something serious...i don't mean to scare you, but you really should see your doctor. it could be a tumor your your uterus could be crooked. my sisters is, so go see your doctor pronto!

  3. you need a dr  no joke  dont mess around ok  

  4. I was born on July 16!

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