
On my other yahoo! answers account, i'm having problems with my 360 profile. it doesn't show up when clicked?

by  |  earlier

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instead of the page popping up when i click on the "my 360 profile" button in My Profile, it takes me to

This account I'm using now does not do this. Also I can't select my 360 photo for my avatar. I can do that with this account, as you can tell.

Please help I don't know what's going on!




  1. We are losing our Yahoo 360 accounts very soon according to the Yahoo product blog you can access by going to the top of your 360 pages and clicking onto the Yahoo360News link there.

    There are many problems that will not be fixed by Yahoo on the 360, and they are getting worse each passing day. From another answerer I have information that his account has been deleted and that Yahoo is in the process of deleting 100,000 accounts per day .. moving all of the information of our blogs, friends, profile information etc... to the new platform they are building..

    I urge you to go to the product blog and read the information for the last three postings by yahoo about all of the changes that are coming to us soon.

  2. Hey Mandy go hang out at your other site and if you knock hard enough they`ll let you in  and good luck

  3. There's currently a glitch with Yahoo where you load 360 photos and they don't show up as your Yahoo Answers avatar. Some people can't get to their 360 page or make changes to it.  No doubt they're working on it so all we can do is be patient and hope they fix the glitch soon!

    It's times like this that I remember my Dad used to say "You get what you pay for" so, considering that I don't pay anything to use this site, I refuse to let it get to me that they have glitches all the time. Yahoo is famous for it's glitches. Welcome to YaHELL.

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