
On my period + swimming? AH.?

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im going to a swimming party sunday and ummm

i just started my period today.

whattttt do i do is there any way that i can go in like the hot tub i mean can i do that??

or can i like not go in at all and just be like sorry guys im on my period haha.

mannn this sucks!!

can you go in a pool with a tampon in??

ive never gone to a pool when i was on my period so idk how this works!




  1. I have gone swimming with a tampon, but I wouldn't go on my first day because that's my heaviest, and you'll be mortified if you leak in the pool.  You're not supposed to bleed when you're wet anyway.  If on the day of the pool party you know you can wear a tampon for eight hours without leaking, you can go swimming.  No worries, I've done it before!

  2. ...wear a tampon.

    That's why they're designed to go inside the female.

    However, you need to make sure the string's not sticking out. xD

    You're guaranteed to be made fun of, if a friend doesn't notice it first.

  3. I would NEVER go into a pool, especially a strangers pool with other people on my period, tampon or no... in that

    1) You do not want to share you bodies secretions with them 2) You do not want to introduce whatever is in the pool into your v****a/uterus.

    Remember liquids CAN ENTER inside you as well exit... and being that you, even though you have a tampon inside you, you are still open and the tampon will get wet and will in turn become filled with WHATEVER is in the pool, are you willing to sit there in the pool or elsewhere with everyones 'funk' in your tampon? Not to mention possibly sending out a pink/red trail.  Believe me, other females won't be afraid to curse you for sharing your blood with them and introducing blood, which may have pathogens into everyones wake.

    Think about it... would YOU want to have the secretions of someone else in your water? On your face, hair and elsewhere?

    Sit it out.... and definetly do not sit in a hot tub in that hot tubs are even more prone to disease carrying in that they are hotter and are a better host for diseases.  

    It 'sucks' but for the sake of your health and others and your peace of mind and theirs... sit it out and find something else to do... tanning isn't too bad, so long as you have protection.... and if people ask why you aren't swimming I'm sure you can  find something non embarrassing to say.

    If they talk.... hey that's THEIR problem...

  4. Yes you can wear a tampon in the pool with out worrying about leakage, blood cant get out water cant get in. Its a win win.

  5. you cant use a pad it doesnt work luckily tampons do ask any swimmer

  6. Get some tampons and practice a few times before Sunday. If your flow is heavy, get Platex or OB -- stay away from Tampax. Platex has an applicator; OB doesn't. You might try getting a box of each to see which one you prefer. Some people freak at the concept of no applicator, but I got tired of all the extra space required to store tampons with applicators and extra trash to dispose of. I use OB.

    You'll need to change your tampon every two hours while your flow is heavy. Change it when you put on your suit and when you change into normal clothes. All you have to do is make sure the string is tucked into your suit and not showing.

    I was a swimmer that worked out twice a day when I was a kid. Tampon use is routine. Believe me -- swimmers don't skip workout for a week every month. It might be scary at first, but that is only because it is new. Quickly it will be just like breathing.

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