
On my potatoes there are little green things on the stem?

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they look like little tomatoes




  1. Mine too

  2. The potatoes are fruiting - for the love of the gods don't eat them, they're poisonous! Wait until the seed pods mature and then from those seeds you can grow seed potatoes for the crop next year. I'd still buy seed potatoes though, as the cultivars produced from the seeds could be better or worse, depending on the original parent plants. They do take quite a while to germinate, about a month or so. If you cut open the mature pod then you'll see little white seeds that look quite similar to tomato seeds. And whether the fruits ripen depends entirely on your location and climate.

    Just a wee interesting fact - potatoes and tomatoes are actually members of the same family (Solanacae), which shows in the similarity in the fruit :)

  3. i dont know

  4. These are the potatoes forming..I hope you mean underground..if they are on top of the ground then this means you did nopt loosen the soil up deep enough or properly for them to expand under the ground/...this forces them to the top of the soil..all tuber plants need at least 2 feet of good loose soil to grow properly..The potatoes start out as little green balls at the 1st paragraph here..

    Under culture on the same above link explains the little green balls..

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