
On my space, how do you get the text and the image RIGHT NEXT TO EACH OTHER, like side by side?

by Guest65895  |  earlier

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im not talking about it being next to it at the bottom, like i want a paragraph right next to the picture. with text on either the right or left of the picture.

can you PLEASE help me.




  1. Try this:

    <div style="width: 25%; margin: 0 auto;">

    <img style="display: block; float: left; width: px; height: px; border: 0;" src="Path to image" alt="Text Description"><span style="color: #f0f; font-family: verdana; font-size: 1em; text-align: justify;">Your text here</span>


    Adjust styling to tastes. Might have to remove the pound sign (#) for the color attribute for MySpace. Depending on size of image's width, you may have to change the DIV's width from 25% to some larger/smaller amount.


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