
On my toe , 1 sq inch of skin is gone . is this an ulcer ? what do I have to do to avoid gangrene? ?

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I am 66,diabetic . I know I have to care for my feet and do a fair amount of exercise .So , yesterday after walking ( maybe too much = 2 hrs 30 mn ) ,I noticed that anomaly on my toe.

I am scared by stories of gangrene , amputation ,...

Can I prevent that ?

what should I do ?




  1. take your toe to the doctors for there opinion

  2. Obviously you should see a doctor as soon as possible.

    Sounds like you caused a blister from over walking.  If your circulation is otherwise not a problem in your feet, treat the blister and go see a doctor.

    If you do have poor circulation, it could be more problematic.

  3. You should clean it, cover it with a bandage, and let your doctor see it as soon as possible.  This way you could possibly prevent any problems that could occur.  He may want to send you to a podiatrist

  4. Ok , No scare tactics but get to a doctor or hospital as soon as you are able, don't put it off. I speak as someone who lost all his toes on one foot and have just been visiting another diabetic friend who just lost one toe and is in hospital still with complications. Like me you hear stories about diabetics losing legs and toes but what is never stated is that most times this is caused by an injury which gets worse. Any injury to your feet is serious, take care.

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