
On news that gary glitter is being released from prison can we start a petition to keep him out of Britain.

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Not that I would wish him on any other society. Is,nt there a deserted island somewhere where people like him can be banished for the rest of there days.




  1. Yeah throw the t**t into the English Channel as soon as he tries to come over.

  2. I wish we should,,be alas,we cannot.he is a threat so young girls.he should be supervised,every day,,re,,the cops,or,social services.mary.c.

  3. at least in britain he is recognisable there is propably someone just as bad or worse going undetected right now sad but true i would be more worried that Gary will pose a threat in a country where he will not be so easily spotted

  4. Personally I don't think it matters whether he lands in the UK or on the moon.

    No matter where he goes, he'll never be able to enjoy a guilt-free existence and the authorities will be watching every little move he makes (I hope).

  5. I only hope he is not allowed back here, as this man is a sick b.......!     why don,t they find him an Island somewhere, probably in the Arctic, and then he can cool off. The colder the better.

  6. sod that lets just wait at the airport and t**t the fecking **** out of the wanker when he sets foot on english soil

  7. You could try it but it won't succeed.

    Cherie Blair will be on your a$$ with her Human Rights Book.

    Don't forget we just took some ageing old pervert back from Australia. He's wandering around somewhere god only knows, being a serious threat to our kids.

  8. He is British with a British passport, you can start as many petitions as you like but he is entitled to live here. Especailly considering how much he must have paid in taxes.  

  9. shame they can't keep him there,in solitary preferably. We don't want him here this vile man

  10. Sorry, it wont work because you will breach his human rights and the lawyers will be queueing at his door to help him.

  11. they are the ones letting him out ,so they should be the ones to keep him .

  12. I wouldnt worry, given Mr Glitters past performances I dont think it will be long before he gets himself into trouble again.

    Hopefully they will lock him away for life this time.

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