
On paxil....and I can't sleep on it?! Driving me just makes me lazy and a robot not, not nervous.

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  1. Just look around for something more fitting to your type and blood group. There must be a little leaflet in the Paxil box which will tell you to stop taking this medication if you not feeling well.

  2. I agree with everything Jade said.  Tell your doctor about this, not random strangers on this board.

  3. You should discuss this with your doctor.  Some people take it at night, others in the morning, depending on how it affects each person.  Per haps it's not the right anti-depressant for you, or maybe the dose is too high....all things you need to tell your doctor, and soon.

  4. i remember my doctor telling me that  for some anti depressants on some people, it takes time for them to work. like maybe 1-2 weeks and sometimes there maybe some side effects when you start it. i cant really remember.  anyway im also on a anti depressant called fluvoxamine or faverin and i too cant sleep. so the doctor prescribed me atarax which would be a sleeping aid but it did not work for me too. so i just stopped it recently and i am going to make another appointment. anyway the doctor told me to change the timing of the anti depressant to around morning or afternoon but still have trouble sleeping. for some people anti depressant will help them in sleep. So whats best for you now is to go talk to the doctor.

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