
On pokemon Pearl what is the best way to catch heatran?

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On pokemon Pearl what is the best way to catch heatran?




  1. reduce it's hp until it's in the red.... put it to sleep or paralyze it. then keep throwing ultra balls or dusk balls would also work....once in while you can throw a timer might take a lot of them so make sure you are prepared with a number of them.... hope this helps! XD  

  2. throw a pokeball

  3. well heatran is was the hardest for me to catch but use a master ball if u have one if noy just chip away at his hp and put him asleep or paralize him and keep chucknig pokeballs and good luck

  4. the best way is to just bring its level down with an water type then bring out another type and then lower it down close to one and use an dusk ball to catch it ( may take an long time to catch it)

  5. get a whole bunch of   timer balls.  and 20 timer balls. then get a pokemon that knows moves like dobble team and sword dance. by the time all your dobble teams and sword dances are dome 1 timer ball should be like a master ball

  6. Get yourself a copy of poke-exploit, its not only a guide, but it will show you all the ways you can exploit the game.  I went through the whole thing in 5 hours, its awsome.  You can download and read a copy here if you want;

    You're welcome ;)

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