
On pokemon diamond, where can you learn the ultimate moves for your pokemon?

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where can you learn ultimate pokemon moves such as hydro cannon on pokemon diamond? i've been there before, but i've got different pokemon capable of learning them too... but the point is: can you please tell me where the guy is?




  1. In between the Survival Area and the Resort Area where the desert is. You will find a house there and inside there's a guy and he teaches the ultimate move to any of the starters that are in your party.

  2. the ultimate moves can be taught to all pokemon which u start(blaziken,meganium....).u must check your frienship poketch app.if the pokemon likes u(2 big hearts) then u can teach the moves.

    it's in the sandstorm fields in a house near a lake


    blastoise learns it naturally :) tms :)

  4. Allow me to help you out :)

    The guy that you are looking for is located in his house on Route 228. Now route 228 itself is located in a desert. You can find the Desert near the Resort Area. Okay, here is a simpler way to get to where you need to go.

    1st: Fly to Resort Area.

    2nd: Once you arrive on Resort Area, head north.

    3rd: Keep heading north till you reach the desert area that has grass and two ponds. Now look all around and you should see a house.

    4th: Go inside the house and talk to the old man. If your bond with your Pokemon and it is strong enough, he will teach your Pokemon the 'ultimate move.'

    Here are the following moves he will teach, as well as the Pokemon that are allowed:

    Venasaur, Meganium, Sceptile, and Torterra = Frenzy Plant.

    Charizard, Typhlosion, Blaziken, and Infernape = Blast Burn.

    Blastoise, Feraligatr, Swampert, and Empoleon= Hydro Cannon.

    Hope this helps.

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