
On "Paranormal State" they used an item called the ovulous... does anyone know where this item can be bought?

by  |  earlier

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The ovulous was a piece of equipment that translated emf spikes into words when they spoke to a ghost or apparition. I believe they hooked it up to their computer as well.




  1. Yes, see the link below. Before you plunk down your cash for this, you really should know it's just a circuit that picks out random words from its dictionary based on random sensor (EMF, temperature) readings and says them using a voice synthesizer chip. They sell it "for entertainment only".  If you're expecting it to let you talk to spirits, you've been suckered.

    This quote from the user manual, despite the atrocious grammar, is apropos:

    "A lot of claims have been made about devices such as this. Simple math will tell you The odd’s are much better than you think! That it’s just coincidence and nothing more."

  2. i don't know. you might ry sci-fi .com/ tech. it is also called a black box.

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