
On scale which storm is the worst tornados or asteroid showers?

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This one is for the scientist in you to figure out.




  1. Tornados

  2. Well, I do not know where you live, but a Tornado is worst than an asteroid shower here on Earth.

  3. Well, since we've never had an "asteroid shower" before, and tornadoes kill hundreds of people every year, I'd vote that tornadoes are worse.  

    We have meteor showers, which all burn up in the upper atmosphere and do no damage.  Occasionally, like every 100 million years or so, a large asteroid or comet hits the earth that does serious damage.  Very few humans in history have been killed by meteroites hitting, but if one hit in a populated area and if it were big enough, it could kill thousands or millions of people, depending on its size.  But that's not an asteroid shower, that's just a rogue meteor.

  4. Asteroid showers are worse because they rain on you and its dangerous.

  5. ill go with asteroid shower

  6. I would say that they are the same.

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