
On september 7,2008 says the the xbox 360 Arcade will become 200$ ,and i was wondering whether?

by  |  earlier

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I should buy it. I only have 250 dollars. Thanks for the help.




  1. its already out...  dont get it its memory is lame. just save a few more bucks and get the ps3 or the xbox elite  

  2. I wouldnt doubt it...considering it dosnt come with a HDD or wirless advice for you is to earn another 50 or so  and get the 20 gb. but its up to you.

  3. Yea its true i work at sears and coming September 7 the price is being cut. The memory on arcade is 256mb which only good for saving games. Yo can get the 20gb for 300 at most stores since there are on clearance because the 60gb model is now the new pro. with more harddrive space u can download demos and old games to the hard drive.  

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