
On teaching practice in early childhood but not enjoying it and losing motivation?

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I am on teaching practice while studying early childhood education. This is my last one in my three year degree and even though it's not horrible, I am not really enjoying it, I don't really like my associate (the teacher who guides me and does my report) and the centre is so busy, I end the day absolutely exhausted.

I feel that half of the exhaustion is due to the fact that I feel like I'm acting all the time. Acting really enthusiastic and happy when I am actually miserable. I can't change it either, there's not a serious enough of a problem. Anyone got any tips to help me get through it (got 4 weeks left) and get some motivation. I just find that on a Sunday I'm really grumpy and unhappy because I just don't want to go (the following day).




  1. I have to agree with some of the others. You may be in the wrong profession. Any learning environment will be busy and you will have to work with people you don't like. If you are having such a hard time in teaching practice, what will you do when you are on your own? Teaching is about acting. Acting happy when your day has been bad, acting like you are excited about what you are teaching, even if you disagree with having to teach it, acting silly and fun to keep kids engaged.

    You will be just fine for 4 more weeks, just get through it. But, keep in mind the first few years of teaching are grueling and you will have to show strength and dedication no matter what. I have been teaching and running schools for awhile now and not one day has passed where I wasn't exhausted. But, it is all worth it for the rewards you will see when you are on your own.

    Hang in there, you will be fine. But, remember it will take a few years before this becomes easier. But, trust me, it is worth it. However, if you don't think you can stay strong in a similar situation for at least 2 years, please do the kids a favor and pick another profession.

  2. Seems like if you have been at it this long, you would've realized a lot sooner that you didn't like the profession.  I would just finish up like you said, and then pursue something else.  Personally I am thinking you may have some type of depression??

  3. Have you talked to your associate that is grading you? Is the problem with her something you can confront her with? Just remember at the end of the day those cute preschoolers go home a little bit smarter then before. Keep up the great work, look forward to things coming up. The few weeks left will go by much faster if you have something to look forward too. LIke teacher without her?!? haha. Good Luck.

  4. I think the bigger question is are you in the right field.  It sounds like you need to consider a different career path - teaching is exhausting and you do always have to be up and positive.

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