
On the B737, the elevator control tab acts in a balance and an anti-balance?

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In the anti-balance mode the elevator tab gives greater nose up control during take off in case of an engine failure. can anyone explain how the tab in the anti-balance mode will give greater nose up control since the tab moves in the same direction as the elevator.




  1. Think of it like a wing flap, except it's on the elevator. With back movement of the control column, it is like an upside down flap, increasing the down force on the tail.

  2. yes in a balance

  3. If it moves in the same direction of the elevator it is a trim tab which will give very little help to get the nose up. If it moves in the opposite direction it is a control tab which help allot to get the nose up .

  4. The tab moves in the opposite direction of the elevator....when the elevator moves up.....(nose up) the tab moves down.....elevator down......(nose down) the tab moves up. On many modern jets you have a flying tail.....that is a moveable Horizontal stabilizer or a stabilator. The tab helps to move the larger elevator.

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