
On the English rugby jersy, is their crest and 3 lions, what do the lions represent?

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On the English rugby jersy, is their crest and 3 lions, what do the lions represent?




  1. on a English rugby shirt it is just a rose  but it as a lion on the six nations shirt but only one but it as a rose, thistle, crown and a three leaf clover the only shirt that as 3 lions on is a footie shirt and footie is c**p any way

  2. Simple search, then copy and paste:

    It is thought that the three lions may have come to England from Normandy but it was Richard the Lionheart (1189 - 1199) who, especially during the Crusades, used the three golden lions on their scarlet background as a powerful symbol of the English Throne.

    The Crest appeared on his second Great Seal and thereafter three lions passant guardant have been known as "England".

    As such, the Crest has appeared on the Royal Arms of every succeeding monarch and, today, is even employed to represent England in the sporting world.

  3. i thought it was a rose you mean the england football shirt yeh i dont know what it stands for but it looks the nuts better than any other crest.

  4. Wrong sport. Think you are referring to football, or maybe cricket.

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