
On the Pittsburgh Penguins team who do you think is leaving or staying. Who do you think we might recieve.?

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On the Pittsburgh Penguins team who do you think is leaving or staying. Who do you think we might recieve.?




  1. I hope Hossa says no to any deal offered to him just so we can keep Malone.. I DON'T want Ryan to leave. at all.

    Laraque is gone, that's for sure. his job here is done.

  2. My bros former classmate from Grand Rapids HS in Minnesota will be a stud D man for the Pens next year, his name is Alex Goligoski.

  3. well crosby is staying for sure thats all i know =P

  4. Hossa.....Has been offered a 7 year contract just recently. He'll accept for decline here within a week. (Insiders think he'll accept) Grab Hossa a jersey, nail his name back on the stall in the locker room....he's staying!

    Malone.....Is leaving without a doubt. The rumors say he'll be traded to Columbus here soon so they can hold his rights and then sign him...We'll see though. I've also heard that the Edmonton GM has talking to Shero about Malone. He'll be gone without a month.

    Dupuis.......I'm not sure. When Bugsy Malone is gone we'll have more money to sign guys like him, but who knows.

    Ruutu......As much as I like Ruut's....he IS replaceable. I'm guessing we'll offer a small contract and if he accepts he accepts if he doesn't he doesn't, oh well. Life WILL move on. We won't overpay for him.

    Actually the same thing I wrote for Ruutu goes with Conklin and Laraque.

    Mark Eaton.....I think he's a goner too. He's missed most of the season due to an injury and he just hasn't said anything about returning. I'm not quite sure if he likes it here. Oh well, I say, his loss. I mean....I don't know if he likes it here, but he doesn't sound interested in returning.

    Orpik.......He said he'll take a small discount but he wants a long 5 years. Shero IS going to make an effort to keep him. With Malone leaving we will have extra money for him. We NEED to keep Brooksie. A team has to have a solid D-man to do well. And Brooksie is that sold d-man.

    Kris Beech.......(I always forget about him, lol) Is as done as yesterday!

    ~OH! Btw, A long-term contract for Malkin will be worked out come July 1st says Malkin. We'll see though.

    ***Dan is right......If we trade Bugys we won't be getting a 4 mil dollar man! That makes no sense....we could keep Malone for 4 mil! The idea is to free up some cap space maybe. If anything we'll get a good 2 round draft pick or something.

  5. crosby staying

    malone leaving

  6. I have heard rumors that Ryan Malone might be leaving Pittsburgh, but nothing concrete. I do know however that Pittsburgh's #1 priority to sign is Marion Hossa. I have heard rumors that they are looking to deal Malone to Columbus, but not sure who Columbus would give up to get him maybe Ron Hainsey, because columbus wont pay him the 4 million he's lookin for.

  7. I'm ready for Bugsy to pack up his paycheck and catch the next bus to Columbus... Bring on the Hoss!

    EDIT: IF we deal Bugsy to CBJ, we'll not be trading for someone who wants 4m a year...the idea would be to gain cap room.

  8. I think Hossa will stay if he accepts the 7 year/ $50 million deal.

    Ryan Malone is going to be gone.

    Mark Eaton will most likely stay because he has been injured for most of the past two years, so that will help the Pens re-sign him for fairly cheap and he is a very good defenseman.

    I think George Laraque will stay, cause it won't cost much for him and he is the most feared fighter in the league, and we need that physical presence.

    Brooks Orpik I think will leave. He may say that he will take less money, he still might not be affordable for the Pens with the resigning of possibly Hossa, Malkin, Fleury, and Staal. Plus Alex Goligoski seems ready for the NHL, there is good depth in defense if the Pens resign Eaton.  But if they resign Orpik, than Eaton won't get resigned.

    I can really care less about Ruutu. If he wants more money or wants to leave, then he can go.  He has one move and he aggitate people. Those type of guys are easy to find in hockey.

    Conklin I think will stay, unless he wants to try to test the free agent market. You have remember Conklin was in the NHL for awhile, and just last year the Pens signed him to a MINOR league deal.  Ever hear of Lalime, Hedberg, and other backups that did great for maybe a year for us???  If we don't sign Conklin, then we have Sabourin and he'll be cheaper.

    Dupuis will probably get resigned, he is fast and talented. And Penguins need some wingers who are fast.  He doesn't score much with other teams, but with the talent Pittsburgh has, he can show he can score for us.

    Evgeni Malkin...he says he expects for a deal to be reached after July 1st, when the Pens are allowed to negotiate with him.  He is looking for around a 5 year deal worth $8 - $8.7 million.

    Jordan Staal is going to be interesting. Although the Pens will probably wait till next year to resign him, or he may choice to wait another year, since this year wasn't as productive as his rookie year, he may want to go for another team where he won't be a 3rd line center, or he can resign with the pens for around $5 or $6 million a year for 5 or 6 years.

    Sergei Gonchar, isn't due for free agency and still got a couple years to go. I think the Pens will eventually trade him, next year or two, they can free up cap space, and they will be fine without him. And I would prefer Orpik over Gonchar. And Alex Goligoski and Kris Letang can both score.

  9. "kate" said it all....but i think well keep hossa malkin fleury and of course sid the kid......staal will probably stay as well as orpik. malone is a goner. laraque is too. alot of the old guys are close to retiring like gary roberts.

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