
On the TONIGHT SHOW with Jay Leno (Aug. 25 after Olympics) will guest J. McCain tell VP selection?

by Guest64601  |  earlier

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During broadcast and Cable coverage week of the Democratic Convention at Denver, CO (Aug. 24-28), Republican nominee John McCain will appear as a guest on the entertainment show as he has several times in 2007-8 to advance his campaign for the Presidency. Will he name his Vice-Presidential selection and invite that person out onto the NBC studio stage? That would be a media event along the lines of Arnold Schwarzenegger's Campaign for California Governorship (2003) - - also in August! What do you think?




  1. No.  That would be announced at an 'official press release' as it is real world politics and not comedy entertainment for a talk show.  Believe it or not, MOST Americans are sleeping when Leno is on; so to reveal a 'political' running mate that affects the whole country on a late night talk show would be caddy and disrespectful to our 'system of political ettiquette'.  :)  But Jay's monologue should be funny!  

  2. I predict Huckabee - - and for Obama, retired Georgia U.S. senator Sam Nunn (he has Nuclear Threat credentials and is a ticket-balancer given that he preceded McCain in the Senate and has many Republicans he can reach out to !)

    by the way, I'll be watching Nightline (ABC) or Charlie Rose (PBS) in that time slot - - Monday 8/25

  3. let's hope mccain wins over obama.. help him out by voting for him on this page!

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