
On the cover of some phone books, it says "Do not discard before (date/year)." Is there any reasons?

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I have just received a Yellow Pages and a White Pages today, and I noticed that both Yellow Pages and White Pages have the warning on their cover. I wanted to recycle my old ones but it says "Do not discard before November 2008" on their cover. I guess I just have to wait, but I'm still curious about the reason why I cannot discard phone books before the specific month/year.




  1. You can

  2. That just means that they won't print updated ones until then. You can throw it away if you don't want it - you won't be arrested. ;-)

  3. it's probably just because that's when the new one is coming out.

  4. Phones books are set to self-destruct if they're discarded before the date on the cover, of course!

    Just kidding.

    But seriously, they're assuming you don't have access to any other directory. I guess you'll be getting new ones in November 2008.

  5. most likely because it isnt old till the (date/year)

  6. You cannot discard them until after the new directory comes out. You are supposed to use it for the time listed and when time is up, you receive a new one for the upcoming year.

  7. It's probably just a precaution about getting the new edition... if you have the new ones, it's not a problem.

  8. I'm pretty sure it's to warn  you that until that given date, a new book will not be issued.  (or at least this book you have now will be current until that expiration date!)  At that time, you can then "safely" discard that book and look in the new listings.

  9. The do not discard before date is only for your reference.The new book is to be published before the discard date and some people will get there new book early like you. and some will get there's after the discard date.Phone  company just wants you to keep you old book till you get new one.You can dispose of it anytime if you wish.

  10. Thats probably when the next one will be delivered.

  11. maybe because the date is when the new edition is released?

  12. its probably just a reminder to you so you dont throw it out before they thought u'd get a new one.

    idk, i highly doubt throwing out a little insignificant book can be dangerous.

  13. good question. i really don't know. but i never noticed that before.

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