
On the first day of Christmas did your true love send you to Walmart?

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On the first day of Christmas My True Love Sent to me?

A partridge and a pear tree?

Or did your true love send you to Walmart?




  1. There's a documentary out right now called "Wal-Mart High". Something similar to a Michael Moore (but not by Moore) film. Watch it ! See how they treat the'll never shop there again

  2. My true love is pedantic and so she sent me

    I partridge IN a pear tree.

    Fortunately she is not wasteful so she left it at that and did not burden me with a load of other stuff I did not want or need - such as

    5 gold rings from Walmart

    Best wishes for a happy sustainable Christmas that can be enjoyed by everybody of any religion, and none, as a season of goodwill rather than one of excessive consumption.

  3. My true love hasn't the first clue about Christmas...if I want something sent, I gotta go do it myself, and yes, I usually do end up at Walmart at some point in the process.

  4. nope, she sent me a hooker who blew me

  5. On the first day of Christmas it was 92 degrees On the second day of Christmas it was 102 degrees and on the last day of Christmas it was 134 degrees.We don't have wal-mart here and its too hot to go shopping anyway.______________________________      Merry Christmas Bella and a Happy New 2008

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