
On the first day of school if you saw someone wearing cheer stuff what would you think?

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My cheer coach is making us wear a white polo and a cheer skirt on the FIRST day of school. Thats when you make first impressions! I don't want someone to make their first impression on me wearing cheer stuff! if i dont' wear it i'll be in trouble

honestly what would you think if you saw someone in cheer clothes on the first day of school




  1. Sounds fine to me...just, that you're a cheerleader!  Cheerleaders are always popular girls, so make the most of it.

  2. honestly, i would think you were a s****. cheerleader and thought you were the s**t. but if they made you dress like that there is nothing you could do. i have friends who are cheerleaders who are the sweetest girls i have ever met. they aren't like the other stuck up cheerleaders on their teams they just genuinely love the sport. soo there is nothign you can do about ti but be yourself and hopefully on the days you dont wear cheer stuff tyou can make good impressions on people.

  3. That they were cheerleaders.

    Just don;t act over-peppy, talk to people, be nice, and don't act as if you think you own the world because your a cheerleader. Complaining about your uniform could be a great conversation starter.

  4. If it was hot looking and you were not preppy or annoying then it would be perfectly fine

  5. i would be like;

    wow there cheerleaders

    is there a game today?

    goo spirit!

    lol i really wouldn't care

    dont worry

    help please:;...

  6. i wouldn't mind. i woiuld just know you are a cheerleader.

    lol. just don't act really peppy.

  7. well on the 1st day of school, the cheerleaders wore their outfits too.

    i mean if you dont want to get in trouble, wear it.

    but if you want to break the rules and reallllly dont want to wear it, dont.

    just do what you feel.

    and on the 1st day when i saw the cheerleaders wearing them i just automatically guessed that they were supposed to.

    hope this helps :)

  8. Well.. Add your own style to it. cute flats, nice jewlery, whatever.. add to it to make it yours, and if there are multiple ppl wearing it, they wont judge you like youre crazy, pppl will know you gotta! And it cant be that bad anyways. but yeahh,, the first day is the BEST time to show your creativity. But maybe you can bring a change of clothes, in case you are allowed to change..? good luck though!

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