
On the go with homemade baby food?

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I have a 6 month old baby and will be out on a day trip next week with him. How can I take my homemade baby food with me? How do you store it on the go and then heat it?




  1. you can buy a thermal food warmer. can pick them up on ebay if you are lucky.

    or a thermal bag for food works ok too.

    or you can get him used to a certain few foods cold and carry them in a thermal bag to keep cool as that's easier than keeping it hot.

    my son is used to cold carrots, potatoes, and lentils. avocado and banana are great for out and about too.

  2. I always froze mine in the ice cube tray. Then when I wanted to serve it I would take out a few cubes and heat them up. And if I was going to be out I would take the cubes in a tupperware and insulated bag.  They would thaw slowly but not get warm.  Then if I was in a restaurant I would ask them to either warm it for me or bring me a bowl of hot water so I could heat it.

  3. I don't reheat it - I just take something that doesn't matter if it's cold. They need to get used to eating cold foodstuffs sooner or later anyway. At 6 montsh he won't be eating all that much anyhow.

  4. I have these little bowls  called I think take and toss, they are pretty cheap comes in different colors with lids. I take my frozen food cubes(ice tray shape) pop 2 in each container, and put them in a lil tote cooler and Im off. You can ask at a resteraunt to heat them up (not too long they have industrial microwaves) or if I stop near a 7-11 or whatnot, I just pop into their microwave, or you can set on outside the cooler like an hour or so before you will feed it to the baby. they seem to stay frozen by themselves along time.

    I also have a few jars of organic baby food on hand, they arnt as good as the kind we make , but they come in handy.  

  5. i would make baby food that doesn't have any meat in it just incase. and there for it wouldn't need to be in the fridge or to then be heated. I very rarely heated my sond food so if we did go out i would have to find somewhere to heat it.

    An alternative is to put it in a chiller bag and take a flsk of boiling water to stand the food in to warm it

  6. If your going near any department shops then you could always pop in there an they would normally heat it up.

    I usually buy the powdered food where you just add water and take a flask of hot water with me and mix when required. Maybe you could heat your food with a bowl in side a bowl of hot water????

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