
On the history channel last night i saw a company that makes hydrogen powered cars, did anybody see what?

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the name of that company was that produced them? and do you think ultimately the switch will be made at some point from gasoline to water?




  1. The Hydrogen car company in Los Angeles will convert the existing internal combustion engine in your car to run on hydrogen, or they will sell you a new car that has been converted to run on hydrogen.

    The biggest obstacle has been a reliable source of hydrogen for the vehicles.

    Hydrogen production from natural gas still releases carbon dioxide to the environment. If you are going to use natural gas, it is more cost effective to convert the car to natural gas rather than to hydrogen and you release the same amount of carbon dioxide to the environment..

    If electricity is used to produce hydrogen from water by electrolysis, the process is inefficient and actually releases more carbon dioxide and other pollutants to the environment because most of our electricity in the United States is produced by fossil fuel, in particular coal.

    If the elecricity is produced by a renewable source, such as wind power, then the production of hydrogen by electrolysis becomes environmentally friendly.

    However it is more efficient to use that electricity to recharge a battery that operates an electric car.

    The technology for batteries has improved dramatically in the past few years.

    Soon you will see commercially viable electric cars that do not suffer from the disadvantages that the previous electric cars suffered from.


  2. My friends all use it now for their heating and hot water their getting rebates now from the electric company.

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