
On the miley and mandy webshow on youtube mandy says "is my eye makeup too dark" is she making fun of someone?

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is she makeing fun of someone because she is wearing a crapload of eye makeup and i heard they make fun of ppl. what about the whole gap in their teeth thing? is this true? if so who and why are they making fun of?




  1. Duh

    mocking selena and demi.

  2. IDK if this is rly what your talkin about but Miley has been known to make fun of dEmi Lovato and Selena Gomez but i dont no if im ltalkin bout the exact thing u r or not

  3. yea she was making fun of her soo called rival Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato and so thats how the story goes.

  4. that miley and mandy episode was making fun of selena gomez and demi lovato's youtube video. its like a parody of it. they were making fun of demi's dark makeup.

  5. Have you been under a rock for the past couple months? They were making fun of Selena snd Demi

  6. They are making fun of Demi Lovato. She had a gap in her teeth but she got it fixed before the filming of Camp Rock. Also she said that some people said her make-up was too dark. TEAM SELENA AND DEMI!

  7. On the episode "Is My Makeup Too Dark?" Miley and Mandy were doing a parody of a video on Demi's Youtube account called something like Selena and Demi update. Mandy was supposed to be Demi, and Miley was supposed to be Selena. I like Team Demi and Selena way better, but that's my opinion.  

  8. d**n where have you been. They're making fun of Demi && Selena, and I'm glad they did cause if they didn't I would :D

  9. shes making fun of demi lovato. demi lovato and her bff selena gomez were talking about it on their video. u can look it up at youtube.

    well after dat ppl started sayin miley was jelous of selena and demi

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