
On the railway what is a T board for and where would you find one?

by Guest31781  |  earlier

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On the railway what is a T board for and where would you find one?




  1. T boards used to indicate the beginning of a temporary limit. Have things altered?

  2. As you've used "railway" not "railroad" or "train tracks" I'll assume that you're in the UK.

    You'll see a "T " board at the end of a temporary speed restriction. Sometimes you'll see them on the London Underground seemingly permanently placed.

  3. A Tboard is a gage to measure the width & level difference in the rails. It is called today a track gage.

      It is usally made out of alimiunim. At lest in the past 30 years.

  4. It stands for termination.   You find it at the end of a speed limit.

  5. A 'T' board shows the end of a Temporary Speed Restriction and is usually used in connection with engineering works.

    At least this is the case in the UK and as this is a UK & Ireland question I assume you are refering to the UK network not a 'railroad' question.

  6. The T stands for track and the correct terminology is sleeper.Its mounted between the track and the ground to keep the correct gage.Their mainly made of wood.

  7. A T board marks the end of a temporary speed restriction or emergency speed restriction.

    Was thinking in terms of driving rules, not the engineering side.

  8. Well I just googled it and couldnt find anything - stuff about boards and things with T but not together..I have a feeling it maybe something to do with the track?

  9. Oh how I enjoy seeing answers from people who obviously have next to no actual knowledge of the subject they are supposed to be answering (usually from another country!) - however:

    The letter "T" in this case stands for TERMINATION of a speed restriction, whether it be temporary or permanent.

    On 'main lines' the sign is placed at the side of the track where the restriction ends, and train drivers then have to ensure that their ENTIRE train has passed the sign before resuming normal speed.

    On the London Underground the T signs are placed at the point where the driver can resume normal speed because all trains on a line are the same length and the sign is positioned accordingly - and before all the clever ones start about  the Met/Jubilee or District/Picc lines running on the same tracks but being of differing lengths, the signs are placed at the point where the longest train reaches them ! ! !

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