
On the secret life of the american teenager....

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When amy's mom said she was pregnant at 15 was she pregnant with amy or another baby and then gave it up for adoption because that's stupid wouldn't amy have known her mom's age and figured it out that she was only 30?? and then her sister is 13 why would she have another baby at 17? Can anyone explain this to me?




  1. her mom wasnt a pregnant teen she just accidentally got pregnant (becuase if you think about it they eloped and if she was 15 she would have had to have permission) and besides that Amys dad was married before to Graces mom which is interesting  

  2. Amy's mom was pregnant with Amy. Amy's father married her mom because she was pregnant with his child. She let Amy think that they were married before she was conceived. Many couples with an unplanned first child go on to have subsequent children shortly thereafter.

  3. she was pregnant with amy

  4. i agree with the second answer

  5. alot of stuff about that show doesn't make sense...

    and also amy's dad was previously married, but amy's mom said that he rescued her when she was pregnant at 15.. he must either be a h**l of alot older than her or he was married pretty d**n young..

    and sorry but molly ringwald does not look 30 years old

  6. i dunno. it makes for good drama. Thats just the way the writers made the show. She said she got married the father right, so i mean i guess its alright to have another kid. maybe she was an accident too. maybe her mom lied to her all tat time.  

  7. She said she was pregnant before she and Amy's father were married, she never actually said she was pregnant when she was 15.  I was confused too, because of the way they made it sound on the commercials, but I watched the episode again, and she never said she was that young.  Besides, she was old enough to go get married and not tell anyone for a while, so she was probably like 20 or a little bit older, probably old enough for Amy's father to have been previously married, so maybe even older than that.

  8. i don't think those kids are his the second one might be idk that doesn't really makes sense because if he was maried early on i mean that one girl being like his x wife wouldn't he like get in trouble for getting a teenage girl preganant  

  9. It was Amy but i dont remember her saying the age she was, but what confuses me it that she married Amys dad because of it, but when was he ever married to Graces mom if he married amys mom that young

  10. Amy's mom wasn't pregnant at 15, she was some other age,  

  11. Yeah. That was confusing but I am pretty sure Amy's mom wasn't 15 when she had Amy. She was probably older. I guess you just need to remember that it's a tv show and tv shows don't always make sense.

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