
On the waves - Need answer soon!?

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I want to bodyboard well. I'm going to the beach tomoz with my boyfriend and the girl he used to be inlove with. She can Surg perfectly, how can I do it right because he doesnt think I'm very good at it. She's taking her surf board, HELP!




  1. h**l if hes a decent guy and he loves ya he'll teach you... and leave the other chick to the curb.. i couldnt think of a better bonding experience..

    if he ditches you for the other than hes a shmuck.

  2. draw all his attention by asking him to teach you.

  3. If all if took to be good at surfing was to ask a bunch of random people on Answers there would be a lot more professional surfers who don't know anything about surfing, especially about picking boards.

    The only way to get good at something is to put time into it.  If you're not great at it so what, put your best effort into it and ask him for help.  If he loves (or at least really likes) you he'll pick helping you over hanging with an ex-GF.  If not maybe he needs to be kicked to the curb.

  4. google it, and learn as much as you can

    also, why are you scared about him and her?

    his with you now, also, i hope you enjoy your time at the beach

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