
On this, the 41st anniverary of the intentional "israeli" attack on the U.S.S. Liberty,?

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--how can we, those people incensed about the terrorist thug nation's

continual refusal to admit that it was done intentionally and the

highly damning reason behind it impress upon our elected officials

that it's inappropriate to reward such terrorism for four decades with

billions heaped on billions of foreign aid, grants, loans never intended

to be repaid and tactical assistance?

Wouldn't it seem likely that rewarding that particular pack of lying

terrorist thugs as we have for four decades afterward might possibly

have played a part in allowing other terrorists from the middle-east

to think they also could treat us so disrespectfully and not suffer

any negative consequence?

Isn't it time to right this four decades old wrong and set everyone straight?

How can we proceed--I'm open to constructive suggestions.




  1. I smell Hitler in here, Israel did not attack USA on purpose.

    Israel is not a terrorist state, the terrorists are the so-called Palestinians who do not descend from the Syrian Arabs that lived in Turkish ruled Greater Syria (which consisted of Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Iraq), but in fact descend from Arab criminals that got kicked out of other Arab nations for crimes.

  2. Don't listen to Mr. Cool hes either an idiot or a misinformant, Israel is in fact a terrorist state, and yes they attacked the U.S. warship purposely in an attempt to instigate tensions between the U.S. and Egypt.  Get real, America gave Israel their entire military, with state of the art weapons including hundreds of nuclear weapons, don't think that Israel is the victim of the Paleistinians its the other way around, think for yourself and connect the dots, don't listen to the news its partly controlled by the Israelis so obviously its gonna talk good about them whether they're a good or bad country, Israel runs plenty of brothels as well, just google the "israel s*x crimes" and watch how many things come up on google, but no im wrong just listen to Mr. Cool, and believe in the propaganda thats injected into peoples' heads everyday through the television, ignorance is bliss, so its probably just better for you to stay ignorant and uneducated like the majority of the public

  3. Wow some dude try googling Palestinian s*x crimes and see how many come up too, or put any other groups name there.

    Yes, Isreal blew the h**l out of the USS Liberty, the Spy ship there to monitor who fired the first shot in a war that was about to break out, as all sides were fully built up and ready to go, so the above about instigating hostilities with Egypt needs a reality check, as the war was already inevitable it was just a matter of who was to fire the first shot. When you figure out the difference of a military action and a terrorist action there might be value in further discussion, yes Isreal has committed acts that are clearly illegal actions, and War crimes, however, Almost every Action the Palestinians commit against Isreal Are War crime Actions, as they almost never conduct any action that internationally would be concidered a Military Action.

  4. If you are open to constructive suggestions then look into the matter more carefully and without prejudice.  This was clearly as accident and the USA regarded it as such.  What about when the USA shot down an Iranian jet full of civilian passengers?  Was that intentional?  Unfortunately these things happen to all countries including the USA.

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