
On this site called and they had evidence of the existance of vamires,do you think they exist?

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On this site they had a ton of evidence that vampires existed and I am a little shaky on the,because in some of the interviews they had previous actors turn politics.So could could you please go to the site and give me your opinion,because everyone think im crazy, but im just an open minded person,your opinions really matter.




  1. I'm sure there are and have been insane people who thought they were vampires.  But, one does not have to be a vampire to become a monster.  Jeffery Darmer and John Wayne Gayse are two such monsters who come to mind.

    I have suggested to one of my young grandsons that when the time comes and I am laid out in the funeral parlor that I would like for him to find a tall gentleman wearing a long coat

    and a top hat to stand at the back of the viewing line.  He should do nothing except stand there with a large wooden stake and a mallet and film the reactions of the other people there.  I just think it would make a really great submission on YouTube.

  2. It's all about a new show on HBO. Not real, just entertainment.

  3. here is the problem there is a preview on my cell phone for HBO called Blood and the video is a preview and it becomes fake when they use actors to play the part of white house staff and I am one who listens to the news none of this so called outing got on the news so wake up weather vampires are real is not the issue here,, they very well may be? but this site and all that it stands for is fake sorry but its true,,

  4. It was on the Internet so it must be true.

    If by vampires they mean people who like to wear black and read Anne Rice novels, yes they do.  As for undead immortals who live off of the blood of the living?  No.

  5. Vampires do not exist. Period. If they did they would reproduce at a phenomenal rate, increasing exponentially and converting the whole planet in less than five years. Do the math.

    As for psi and energy vampires, their DNA is human just like you and me. There is no scientific evidence of vampirism, but there are books of evidence for delusional behavior, codependency, blood fetishes, porphyria, sensitivity to UV light, etc. These people need serious reality checks.

  6. lf they did, so what? lf they didn't, then? Don't make your life revolve around trying to be one, however it is acceptable if you made your life about taking them down should they do any harm.

  7. totally any thing is possible, i believe they do. but i don't think they are evil or scary looking like they are described in the books.

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