
On weekends do you like dining at home or just enjoying a dinner at a restaurant?

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i surely like my home made food...




  1. On the weekends, we usually like to eat at home unless we made reservations somewhere because I really hate to wait an hour to be seated somewhere.  We usually go out on Wednesday nights, it's a mid-week treat and there isn't usually a wait.

  2. Well I would always go out on Satudays!!!! If my parents would let me!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Actually a bit of both.  I like my Sunday brunch at a particular restaurant, otherwise I like to cook.

  4. Well on weekends, I always like Chinese take-out!

  5. we usually go out for dinner on the weekend.

  6. Eat at home with my wife and sons around the dinner table.

  7. out

  8. I rather do take out or cook at home. My best restaurant experiences where when I went throught the week.

  9. in the summer i'm all about firing up the grill and grilling.. can't beat grilled food... during winter always like making home made meals to help heat the house and it's much healthier and i love it...

  10. The Sabbath is on the week end. The Bible says not to work on it or to make anyone else work for you on the Sabbath or one is sinning. So I fix a meal, before the Sabbath, to last me through that day; and often to feed another too. It  is easier to cook for more than one than just one.

  11. I like to eat over the internet - it tastes just like Mama made it!

  12. Sometimes, Rose, I like to enjoy dinner at home and sometimes i like to enjoy it at a resturant

  13. I would rather cook at home.  The only restaraunt I really like is too expensive to go to frequently.

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