
On what airlines do they allow kids to fly by themselves internationaly?

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  1. Most airlines ... you'd have to ask each for their policies.

  2. AA and Delta are the best for security and with the children.  Other airlines will check their policies and fees.

  3. f you are allowing your children to fly alone, be sure to take every necessary precaution to ensure their safety. Millions of children fly alone each year, the majority without incident. Be sure you and your child are prepared for the trip.

    Children ages 5 - 14 who travel without a parent or guardian are known as "unaccompanied minors." Many airlines will not allow children who are under 7 to make connections at all, but in the event a minor is old enough to change planes, they will probably be assisted by airline personnel and a fee of $40 - $100 will be charged. Some airlines, Southwest for example, will not allow any minor (5 - 11) to change planes. On US Airways, a child must be at least 15 years old to take a flight with a connection.

    If you intend to send an unaccompanied minor by plane, you will be required to fill out a form detailing the child's name, age, medical considerations and other relevant information. Upon arrival, children will be escorted from the aircraft by a flight attendant and released to the person named by you prior to departure.

    In addition, you will have to agree that the airline is not taking on any special responsibility of guardianship during the flight. Legally, an unaccompanied minor is treated in the same way as an adult passenger.

    Most major airlines will charge you $75 to $100 each way for an escort fee. The exact fees will depend on the airline, the age of the of the child and whether the flight involves connections.

    Here are the fees charged each way for domestic flights on some of the major U.S. airlines:

    Airline        Nonstop Connecting

    American    $100      $100

    Continental  $75       $100

    Delta           $100     $100

    Northwest    $75       $100

    Southwest    -        Not allowed for children under 12

    United         $99       $99

    US Airways $100   Not allowed for children under 15

    Airline rules vary, but here's a good idea of what to expect on domestic flights:

    Children ages 1 - 4 may fly only when accompanied by an adult. A child must be at least 5 to fly alone.

    Kids ages 5 - 7 can take a direct flight to a single destination but not connecting flights.

    Those 8 and up may change aircraft. If they're ages 8 - 11, they will be escorted by airline personnel to their connecting flight. A significant extra charge for this service is likely. Older kids -- ages 12 through 15 -- may not be routinely escorted, but you can request this assistance.

    Anyone under the age of 17 who is flying alone on an international flight must have a signed note from a parent or responsible adult giving permission, destination and length of stay.

    Minors must be met at the destination by another parent or responsible adult.

    Although many airlines offer discounts for minors under normal circumstances, if your child is flying unaccompanied, it is practically a certainty that you will pay a full adult price for the ticket. The good news? The fee you pay for an escort generally covers an unlimited number of related children traveling in the same party (except on Alaska Airlines, which will charge for more than three children). Hence, if you are sending your three children together, you pay only once. On international flights, the age restrictions are more stringent. Additional fees may apply if a flight is longer than six hours in duration.

    Some airlines may not allow unaccompanied minors to fly on the last connecting flight of the day, or on so-called "red eye" flights between 9 p.m. and 5 a.m. Be sure to read each airline's policies carefully before booking.

    After filling out some paperwork and paying the appropriate fees at check-in, one parent or guardian will receive a special pass that will allow him or her to get through the security checkpoint. The parent or guardian must accompany the child to the gate and wait there until the plane takes off.

    Never wait until you have reached the airport to inform the airline that you have a minor traveling unaccompanied. Always provide this information to customer service over the phone, and have them inform you of all your options, all fees involved and so forth.

    If you can help it, buy your children nonstop tickets only. If a change of planes is necessary, use a small, less intimidating airport for the transfer, if possible.

    When you send your child, make sure that he/she is traveling with emergency information. For example, leave instructions on how to handle flight delays or cancellations, including emergency contacts and a means to pay for necessities, such as overnight accommodation.

    Familiarize your child with the plane ticket and have him/her keep it in a safe place. Upon departure, the child will need to retain the ticket for the return flight or as a receipt. We recommend utilizing e-tickets whenever possible, so the information will be stored in the airline's computers in case of emergency.

    Try to book a morning flight. If it is delayed or canceled, you have the rest of the day to make alternate plans.

    Small children may have trouble with checked baggage. If it can be avoided, don't send them with excess luggage. If not, when checking luggage, make sure to check the stubs yourself, to be sure that the luggage claim ticket and luggage tag match your child's final destination.

    Get to the airport early to ease check-in and get children accustomed to their surroundings. If possible, show them where help desks are located, and get them to recognize uniformed employees.

    Give them a picture of the person meeting them -- with the full name, address and phone number written on the back. You will need to provide this information to the airline as well.

    Make sure the adult meeting your child at his or her destination is carrying photo identification.

    Pack some snacks for the child: chips, sandwiches, trail mix or other finger foods like grapes or berries. You may also want to purchase juice or water for your child after you pass through the security checkpoint.

    Make or buy young children a travel pack to keep them entertained while in flight.

    Give your child a little cash to cover incidental expenses and phone calls in the event of an emergency.

    In addition to being sure your child knows how to place a collect call, you may want to give him/her a calling card before she travels, as well as a list of numbers to call if necessary.

    Just because a five-year-old is permitted to fly solo, that doesn't mean that your child will be able to handle flying alone, especially if it involves a connection or if your child hasn't flown before. Parents should use common sense and make a decision based on their own child's level of maturity.

  4. i really don't think any do i think there are laws requiring flights leaving from the US so i would say no  

  5. My children flew to Puerto Rico (although that is considered Domestic) alone through Delta Airlines.  I had to pay an unaccompanied fee.  It's $100 each way (for all of them).  They will need passports and the persons dropping them off and picking them up need a valid ID.  You must give the name of the person picking them up both ways and your children will only be released to that person (with ID).  

    My children loved Delta and said they were treated wonderfully.  I was impressed by their security measures with my children.  They did not allow me to even hug them until my ID was checked.  

    Also, if you are buying your tickets online be advised that you cannot pay for the unaccompany fee online, that is something you have to pay at the counter.  

    Good luck.  

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