
On what basis are laws mandating that people wear clothes in public justified?

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I'm glad we have these laws, but I suppose some could argue that it's an infringement on someone's body and personal space. So how does society justify it? And to what other laws does that justification apply? This is a serious question. Thanks.




  1. There are a lot of stupid laws on the books in cities, towns, and even states. However most are not enforced and many are very laughable. It is illegal for a man with a shaved chest to run around in Omaha NE. Check our

    It is the basic idea of the United States that people are born with every freedom, but upon entering a society you agree to give up certain freedoms. Laws are made to define which freedoms you are giving up to enter that society. As far a clothing goes, you have the freedom to be naked, but you are infringing upon others freedoms when you do it in public.  

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