
On what day of your cycle are you supposed to have s*x of clomid.

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I cant remember if im supposed to wait to have s*x on the 12 or 14 day of my cycle. Please help!!!!!!




  1. Clomid is likely to delay ovulation, typically by around 4 days (according to my RE's nurse, who told me this yesterday). So if your cycles are normally 28 days, you can expect a CD14 ovulation to be on CD18 and for that cycle to then become 32-days (ie: CD32 would be the first day to do an HPT). Personally, I would BD every other day starting CD12 and then daily from CD14-20.

  2. the specialist i saw yesterday said we should BD every day or at least every other day from day 11 to 18. I do not know how long my cycle is because i have PCOS and haven't had a period in 6 months.

  3. hiya i'm on clomid too, and our gyno said that you should start bms from day 10 right through untill day 16 or 17 some people do it every other day - we did last cycle

    next cycle were going to start from about day 12 and do bms everday though to day 15 or 16

    they reckon your ovullation is around the 14 day mark but best to try and catch it before and after as well.

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