
On what evidence does Muhammad stated that the content of the Holy Bible has change ?

by Guest63582  |  earlier

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The Dead Sea Scrolls that was discover at Qumran near the Dead Sea in 1947 with complete scrolls fragments of all books in the OT has prove that the content hasn't change . Before the discovery of the Dead Sea scroll the two oldest copies was the Aleppo Codex and Leningrad Codex were dated around AD 900. While the lost Dead Sea Scrolls was dated as early as 250 BC




  1. based on Quran...answers are all in there..real prediction  

  2. Brilliant - thanks for proving the bible is absolutely false!!  If it was written 250BC how did they even know anything about the New Testament and why would it have been written in the past tense?!!

    Of course what you have actually done is simply show your ignorance of biblical history!!

    But false claims by Christians are expected here!!

  3. He has sent down to thee the Book containing the truth and fulfilling that which precedes it; and He has sent down the Torah and the Gospel before this, as a guidance to the people; and He has sent down the Discrimination. (3:3)

    Surely, those who believe and the Jews and the Christians and the Sabians - whichever party from among these truly believes in Allah and the Last Day and does good deeds, shall have their reward with their Lord, and no fear shall come upon them, nor shall they grieve. (2:62)

    Holy Quran

  4. does the dead sea scroll mentiones incest story of Lot?? Do you really think that Lot committed incest and God chose to keep this story in scripture??

    In OT David is mentioned as son of God and according to OT, he committed adultery????????

  5. I dont understand when ppl point out the changes in the OT, the Christians say we aren't under the OT rule anymore but when it comes to the dead sea scrolls, everyone raises their hands and says look we are right.  But even if its 250BC, it is still more than a 1000 yrs from when Moses came to the scene.  But im  a bit confused. Are the dead sea scrolls more closely related to the Tanakh or the Christian version of the OT. I say that because jews dont consider the christian OT to be accurate.

  6. The Council of Nicea in 325 AD is a clear historical fact.  Hundreds of "gospels" were circulating around at the time and 4 randomly drawn gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John were chosen from those hundreds of Gospels.  

    The Nazarenes, i.e. Christians from the family of Hazrat Isa (as) were at this council as well but were completly ignored.

    The Gospels of St. Thomas and St. Barnabas, two desciples of Christ (as) were completely ignored.

    Even to this day we see over 2100 different versions of the Bible in the US Library of Congress.

    Then we have the Apocrypha.

    So my friend, the dead sea scrolls didn't really prove much at all.  The fact is, all we need to do is open any two different versions of the Bible, even today in 2008, and we'll clearly see the contradictions and changes.

    Not to mention the original languages aren't used at all anymore.


    @Asker - How about them?  For starters they weren't lost.  More importantly however, the Qur'an had been memorized by thousands of people, taught to them by the Prophet (sa) himself.  It was impossible for changes to occur.

    Example. Every kid in America knows the pledge of allegience due to memorization.  If every written copy was destroyed today, we could still re write it from memory.  This exactly was the beauty of the Qur'an that as the Bible says in Isaiah, "the Lord will write it on their hearts"  (it being the new Law).  This was the beauty of the Qur'an and this exactly is why it has not been changed.

    But your question was about the Bible which I feel I have explained thoroughly.  Allah bless you brother.

    love for all, hatred for none

  7. Based on the evidence that he claimed to be a prophet and the stories didnt jive, hence  he "could not be a liar" so the  books  had to have been changed.

  8. If I have the power to kill you if you disagree with me I can say anything I want and it becomes your Holy Scripture.

    Muhammad was a marauder and his religion followed the idea's of the old moon god Alilah and Islam follows the old religion except  Alilah is no longer a bull with a crescent moon on it's forehead hanging off it's horns and has become sort of like the Jewish God and now lives in Heaven instead of in a cow pasture.

    Muhammad created a god in his own likness

  9. mohommad was shagging ayisha when he decided to write a nursery story for her named koran

  10. Any Christian scholar of Christian history will readily confirm that after the famous council of Nicea (325 AD), the church of St. Paul (The Roman Catholic Church) selected out of the over three hundred Gospels in their possession the four that most closely conformed to their doctrines. All others were ordered completely destroyed because they were considered "Apocrypha" (which actually means "hidden from the people"). Some of these were written by disciples of Jesus (pbuh), and not disciples of disciples, who had never met Jesus (pbuh), such as Paul. If these destroyed Gospels were not more authentic than the current selection then they were at least of equal authenticity. The church also ruled that all Gospels written in Hebrew were to be destroyed. An edict was issued that anyone found in possession of an unauthorized Gospel would be put to death. Countless numbers of Christians were then systematically killed as heretics and burned at the stake if they maintained their belief in the divine Unity of God and did not conform to the innovative teachings of Paul. It is well known that this practice continued until at least the year 1616 AD.

    Fortunately there was one Gospel -that we know of-, which was saved although it does not agree with the teachings of St. Paul, this Gospel is the Gospel of Barnabas, there is one copy of it in the Library of Congress in Washington, DC, and another one in the British museum. A new printing has been made off of these copies and it is available today. This Gospel agrees with the Quran and mentions Prophet Muhammad (s) by name.

    Some quotations from the Gospel of Barnabas:

    In reply to a question by Philip, Prophet Jesus said: "God alone hath no equal. He hath had no beginning, nor will he ever have a end, ... He hath no sons, nor brethern, nor companions."

    (Gospel of Barnabas: 17).

    "... Verily ye have erred greatly, O Israelites, in calling me, a man, your God. ... I confess before heaven, ... that I am a stranger to all that ye have said; seeing that I am man, born of a mortal woman, subject to the judgment of God, suffering the miseries of eating and sleeping, of cold and heat, like other men, Whereupon when God shall come to judge, my words like a sword shall pierce each one (of them) that believe me to be more than man," (Gospel of Barnabas: 93).


  11. Muhammad was a crazy idiot goods trader who started his own religion long after Judiasm and Christianity were well established.  He was a nut, ignore his "teachings".

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