
On what radio station or program did Eric Idle say the "F" word?

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Eric Idle wrote "The FCC Song" in response to being fined US$5,000 for saying the word "f*ck" on the radio. On what radio station or program did he say the word?




  1. "FCC Song" is a deliberately controversial and explicit song by British-born Monty Python comic Eric Idle.

    Idle, is now a resident  of California, recorded the song in early 2004 in reaction to a fine by the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for saying "f#*k" on a clear channel radio station.

    The song is also known by its refrain "f#*k you very much". Despite being aimed at the FCC, the lyrics primarily target well-known figures associated with the Bush administration.

    Idle stated about the song that it's dedicated to the FCC and if they broadcast it, it will cost a quarter of a million dollars"

  2. Wow... I don't know but that is awesome! lol....

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