
On which country does the sun set last? (and if it's the US, which state?)?

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On which country does the sun set last? (and if it's the US, which state?)?




  1. It depends on the time of the year.  These are based on GMT and the International Date Line.  Also, at the Arctic Circle, the sun hovers the horizon but never actually rises on December 21st;  the same with Antarctica on June 21st resembling a 24 hour sunset.

    March 21st - Tokelau, New Zealand

    June 21st - Aleutian Islands, Hawaii, USA

    August 21st - Tokelau, New Zealand

    December 21st - American Samoa

    *  Kiribati used to be the westernmost point located at the equator.  Now Kiribati is the first to experience a sunrise and sunset.  Based on a 1995 realignment of the International Date Line, Kiribati is now the easternmost country in the world, and was the first country to enter into the year

  2. As soon as the Sun sets somewhere, it rises elsewhere, so there is no "last" country.

    If you want a vague answer, it would be the countries closest to the international dateline. These include many of the Polynesian states, and Russia.

  3. None.

    The sun is always setting somewhere.

    The sun is always rising somewhere.

    It's always Happy Hour somewhere. I'll have white wine.

  4. In any date? ok... On the US: Alaska and Hawaii.  But in winter, maybe is in the Easter Island (Chile), or Pitcairn Island (UK).

  5. the sun does not set on any country last the Earth continually rotates so the earth faces the sun and then it rotates until the same spot is perpendicular to the sun

  6. um, the sun is constantly "setting" because the earth is constantly never ends...

    now if you mean last during ONE DAY than I would say some part of the Aleutian Islands of Alaska as they are the farthest point west without crossing the international dateline...

  7. It sets last on no country, it all depends all on where you are. if the sun sets at 8PM in the Eastern US, then around Alaska the sun would be setting at about midnight based on the time in the Eastern US, but to them its still around 8PM(or whatever the sunset time is for them). Based on time zone the sun never sets last in any place. The only way that would happen would be during the end of the world or if the sun burnt out(which could also cause the end of the world), and that would make the last setting place occur where the world ended or the sun burnt out.

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