
On who's money do the Royal Family live?

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I'm not a big fan of the royals so excuse my ignorance but where does all their money come from?

Is it from the taxpayers? Or 'old money'

How does it work? They are wealthy people so where does all the money come from?




  1. The Money comes from various sources.....there is of course the civil list, which the govt. pays to the Crown for use by the Royal family for their Royal duties.....The Prince of Wales gets money from the Dutchy of Cornwall, vast tracts of land and property, and of course over the years the Royal family have acquired wealth through paying no income tax...although now they do....The Crown as a whole has not always been wealthy and in the not too distant past was more or less bankrupt....but from Queen Victoria onwards the finances have depends whether you are a monarchist or not as to whether you think they give value for money....most on this site think they don't...I think they do....

  2. the royal family live off the same people who keep Tony Blair types of leaches--I don't know why people want to get rid of the royal family--have you looked at some of the politician's family?

  3. i dutn know but they aint livin in section 8 housin. thats fo sho

  4. are you english? if you are and you pay your taxes then they live off of your money.

  5. I think most of it comes from savings and investments, property holdings, and inheritances. There are also payments from the government, for services rendered. It's a small amount per person in the scheme of things. I'd be happy to send my less than one pound in, if I only knew where. We have an idiot for a president, who costs less than a dollar per person. I want mine back.

  6. Taxpayers money althugh some of them have jobs mostly in the Army. They also have money left to them from other previous royals. Prince Charles also owns an estae and shop so he gets money from that. But it is mostly our money they live of !

  7. royalties,

    same way that the prime minister and all other government hobnobs get paid... tax payers money

  8. Guess you could say, technically, their own money old and new.   As they give up the money from the Crown Estates and get back far less, they give more than they receive.

    If they ever decided to get rid of the monarchy, I'm sure a big lawsuit would drag on for years and rule in favor of the monarch and that mile or so they own (is it fleet street?) in London.

    She also pays taxes as have some other monarchs in the past.    

    Technically, it's probably cheaper to have a royal family than try to support an expresident of the U.S. and all the security, homes, pensions and flunkies that they get after they get out of office.

  9. the royal family cost each tax payer less than 1 pound a year. good value for money i think.

  10. some from taxpayers, but they have their own assets that have built up over the hundreds of years.

  11. taxpayers ofcourse.. just like everything else. ppl like them and other ridiculously wealthy ppl.. really p**s me off.. especially when so much needs fixing such as the public hospitals.. or for that matter.. the famines and diseases in third world countries. If these wealthy ppl would make a sizeable contribution like Oprah Winfrey does.. I'm pretty sure there would be no more famine, and diseases would eventually be eradicated as they have in our countries.

  12. Rachelle fairly covers it.

    The Duchy of Cornwall last year paid something in the region of £130 million in taxes, take away the £35 million or so in Civil List payments and that is a nett benefit to the Treasury of £95 million - in effect they don`t cost us a penny.

  13. The Queen technically owns the Crown Estate with holdings of £6 billion; however, the income of this is transferred to the Treasury in return for the civil list payments. In addition, the Queen is paid with an annual salary of £12 million, this of course comes from government funds, which comes from taxes and other financial resources.

    Buckingham Palace accounts reveal that the Queen and the Royal Family cost each British taxpayer 60p per year (£35m a year, which, split between every British man, woman and child). What does 60p cover? Well 0.6p goes directly to Prince Philip, about £ 0.3million. It also upholsters Buckingham Palace, heats Windsor Castle, buys stationery - though the Queen is on email - pays staff salaries, entertains dignitaries and fuels the royal trains, planes and automobiles.

    The Queen's personal fortune has been estimated at around US$500 million (£280 million). Her personal art collection is worth at least £10 billion, but is held in trust for her successors and the nation. The Queen also privately owns large amounts of property that have never been valued, including Sandringham House and Balmoral Castle. Press reports, upon the death of the Queen Mother, speculated that the Queen inherited estate worth around £70 million. Furthermore there is control and ownership of the Duchy of Lancaster, which is valued at £310 million and transferred a private income to the monarch of £9.811 million in 2006.

    Note: The British royal family are on salaries as well by performing royal duties and representing the Queen at different social events and royal engagements throughout the year.

  14. They haft to pay taxes.So they make there own money now .They used to not pay.The Queen has 500million in personal fortune.The Royal family savings are 10billion they dont live off taxes.They have there own Professions.

  15. Mmm... 'The Royal Family cost the everyone less than 1 pound a year'... Yes, I suppose I could get use to my family living on about 40 million a year and receive free housing.

    I don't really have any big problems with the Royal Family, although I support the idea of a Royal Family more in the mode of most of the other European ones, but the 1 pound a year argument is farcical...

  16. Yours and mine.

    Inherrited wealth that they have originally came from the public purse.

  17. Make a Will! If you die without one, posessions equalling the value of more than £500 go to the Prince of Wales by default, it's a pain in the **** to contest this through the courts.

  18. The taxpayer makes ana nnual donation to the Roaysl (I think it is £35m).  Apart from that they have a substantial existing weatlh and will be earning significantly from their investments.

    I am not strong minded about whether they should be dissolved.  They do a lot for tourism and are good advocates for Britain.  On the other hand, the female members of the family are now all munters and this puts me off!

  19. ur taxes

  20. u know i really think they should work like everybody and not depend on us paying taxes

    lol anywayzzz

    good question

  21. we keep the b+u+g+g+e+r+s

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